America’s Chakra Evolution

When we tap into the Source of Divine Light and Love, we are more able to connect to the growth and unfoldment occurring around us. Personally, spending time in nature helps me reconnect when life’s busy pace pulls me away. I touch the trees and thank them for their wisdom and guidance. I put my feet in the grass or when possible, sand at the beach. I hug the people I care about tightly, so they know they matter. I meditate and listen to music that stirs my soul or urges me to dance. I listen to podcasts that remind me life is good and I do things that bring joy and peace to my soul. I see others doing the same and I think just maybe, we’re seeing glimmers of humanity moving into The Time of The Third Eye Chakra. A time where humans will finally see something bigger than ourselves.

I believe The Universe has a plan to support humanity on our ever forward, often begrudging evolution to higher consciousness. It may not happen in my lifetime but, if we do not destroy ourselves or the planet, I know it will happen one day. I consistently acknowledge that love is the way forward while I also return to a sacred Jewish text from Pirkei Avot. When things feel too big, these words remind us we’re not required to complete it all but, we’re also not free to ignore it. Having tools to help us stay sane in times of extreme upheaval is essential so, choose a bath, a glass of wine (or two) grab a candle, soft music or a TV show that makes you laugh out loud. Spend time with friends in a “good vibes only” zone, hug a pet and do something that makes your heart happy.

The news is loud. A screaming minority, trying to hold onto power, is forcing others back into boxes to make themselves feel more comfortable. But there is a growing louder majority that believes in love, respect, democracy and that true freedom means equality for all. They may not be equally as loud yet, but their rumblings are shaking the foundations of conservative society, which is why they seem so unsettled.

I have carried this with me for years and I wish I knew who to thank for it. If you know, please be sure to tell me! It’s the idea that American society is evolving, over the last several centuries, through the chakras. I think of this often and it gives me hope. In the broadest sense, it goes like this, in the 1700-1800s there was the War of Independence, the Civil War, and the settling of the American West. These are connected to the Base Chakra; basic needs, staking our claim, building community and figuring out who we are as a new nation. The Industrial Revolution moves us more into the Sacral Chakra, which deals more with fluids and flow. Prohibition takes hold in the 1920s, at the same time we have gas powered motor cars, factories and such, all dependent on oil, gas and lubrication to keep the machines running smoothly.

While this isn’t an exact timeline, during the 1930s and 40s, there is a shift towards the Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra deals with how we see ourselves and relate to those around us and World War II and the Holocaust had a big impact on how we saw ourselves and how our nation wanted to be seen on the world stage. The explosion of Rock & Roll and Elvis in the 50s, and the Beatles and flower children in the 60s all point to the Heart Chakra.

Chants of “Make Love, Not War,” by flower children and others, worked to shift us away from violence with sit-ins, marches and protests, overlapping the Civil Rights Movement’s similar message of non-violence. Great orators like Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, JFK and others led the shift to the Throat Chakra, further opening the door for women’s liberation, burning bras and more calls for equal rights. This energy continued through the 1970s and 80s, leaving behind some of our most iconic expressions of music and fashion.

Voices of both protest and solidarity gain strength and focus again in the 2000s and into today through the momentum of the Black Lives Matter, March For Our Lives, the Women’s March and Me Too movements. More people are using their voices than ever before and, for better or worse, as a society, we are still finding our voice. Social Media, Twitter, YouTube, TicTok, Threads and more, all have given people a place to express themselves. Some are spreading fear and hate while others work to combat racism, Christian nationalism and more through love, compassion, and education. As we work through gender identity, book banning, climate change, bodily autonomy, privacy and so much more, it looks like we’ll be in the Throat Chakra for a while.

There is hope, however. Every day more people are understanding there is something more to all of this and that we are all connected. There is more to us than just this earthly existence and this fills my heart with hope. We are finally moving towards the Third Eye Chakra; we are finally starting to understand that love and gratitude are the true engines of the Universe.  For those more concerned with holding onto control and maintaining the status quo, this current evolution may feel like the ground shifting in whole new ways. The current push, by ultra-conservative minorities, to outlaw anything and everything nonwhite-hetero-Christian and male is likely amplified by the third eye shift that’s gaining ground right now.
I believe this is where we are now, with fear, lack of understanding and uncertainty leading to attacks on anything outside the crumbling box of outdated racist ideas.

It will pass. It may not pass quickly but, we will move through this tumultuous time. If history has shown us anything in the last few hundred years, it’s that humanity is moving in the right direction. We’ve already come far and with more people waking up, the stronger the shift will be. The more people embracing Divine Light and remembering that love and gratitude are where real power and strength come from, the faster we’ll move through the Third Eye Chakra and towards the hope of peace in our time, with the Crown Chakra.

I believe it is possible and hoping so gives me the strength to move through this time of chaos and vitriol with more peace and love.
That, and touching the trees.

What The F*ck!!

How do we stay in alignment, knowing we are that we are made of, and for, something more? How do we remember that everyone, from Drag Queens to Nazis comes from the same source of Divine Light? How do we keep love in our hearts for people who would wish us and others the ultimate harm?

Living “Blue” In Florida, While Also Living A Spiritual Life

Thank God, the most horrible legislative session Florida has seen in decades is FINALLY over!! There were days I was so angry, I thought I might literally punch a wall!! WHO THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE???

Breathe…remind yourself, you believe the Universe is powered by love.
The Universe always has a plan, and all things work together in ways we can’t always understand.

What gives them the right to FORCE EVERYONE ELSE to live by their beliefs??

And back and forth it continues in my mind. This dichotomy is my daily struggle and my daily strength.

Every day, I thank the Universe for so many things. I start from a place of love and gratitude and try to sustain it throughout the day. Since I usually wake up to a snuggly Chihuahua or tuxedo cat, it’s easy to start the day feeling loved.

That is until I reach for my phone to see what gawdawful thing Desantis and his ilk have done next. The knot in my stomach tightens, my blood pressure rises, and I want to scream, “What is the matter with you!?”

It is not easy to be a liberal Democrat in the red state of Florida. I was raised here. I remember when Florida was deep blue, and Miami was the place New Yorkers and Canadians came for Winter. It is a very different place now.

People ask me how Desantis got so much power and the simple answer is, he stole it. He refused to sign off on new, fairly drawn, BIPARTISAN electoral maps, insisting on his own instead and specifically demanding a majority Black voting district be dismantled, He aggressively gerrymandered our state, guaranteeing himself a second term and a super-majority to back it up. He repeatedly threatened legislators with “consequences” if they didn’t tow his deep red line and they caved, every single one cowered in fear of the party’s newest bully.

Since then, he’s welcomed Nazis and white supremacists who gleefully terrorize Jews, the LGBTQIA Community and other minorities across the state. In my area alone, bolstered by Tallahassee’s continuing blind-eye, they blocked roadways and used bullhorns to scream into the faces of people in passing cars. They’ve verbally assaulted families with children on the way to synagogues on Friday afternoons and littered our driveways with racist propaganda. Desantis says nothing because truly, it’s the Drag Queens who are the bigger threat.

Home to two of the worst mass shootings in history, you still need a license AND insurance to drive a car, but in Florida, you can walk into a store and pretty much walk out with a gun. Few (if any) questions were asked and, even fewer if you came in with someone the seller already knows. No license or training is needed. NADA. Want a gun? In Desantis’ Florida, just walk in and get one. Don’t forget to place your bet on when the next mass shooting will happen here, on your way out.

I am not anti-gun, but I am anti-stupidity. I have ZERO issues with Responsible Gun Ownership. I fully support a ban on assault weapons and consider the NRA a threat to us all. We did not always live in a country with mass shootings Every Single Day. We were not always able to be more heavily armed than the police officers charged with protecting us, and my children did not do “active shooter drills” in school because it never occurred to us that someone could walk in and murder them! It is harder and harder to remember our nation before the assault weapons ban expired when mass shootings were not the daily norm. Of course, Desantis promises to further loosen gun laws and increase abortion restrictions.

He erodes our rights again and again. Medical decisions are now subject to the providers’ personal beliefs. Making decisions for ourselves or our children, about which medications we can receive. which artists or arts organizations are acceptable, which books we’re allowed to read and whether we can learn the truth of our history, are all deeply restricted in his version of “freedom.” The truth is most Floridians DON’T support any of this. Most people across the nation don’t support any of this, yet it continues.

Hand-outs to corporate interests, landlords and insurance companies, policies that make it easier for farmers to pollute our waterways while at the same time restricting local government’s ability to make their own decisions about land development, traffic, and pollution. He gives power to the builders instead, even after the unprecedented flooding from hurricanes Ian and Nicole, due in large part to continued development in low-lying areas.

Desantis speaks endlessly about the will of the voters while ignoring it time and time again. Florida’s voters overwhelmingly support restoring the voting rights of felons. Instead, he instituted a poll tax and created an “election police force.”

Voters overwhelmingly said NO to new toll roads which would destroy important natural resources and wetlands, displace wildlife and add pollution and congestion to some of the most beautiful areas in our state.
On entering office, he announced the roads would go forward and, it’s taken multiple years and multiple lawsuits for the “will of the voters” to prevail.

Poll after poll shows the voters WANT to make their own medical decisions on abortion, and gender treatments, choose their own books AND want common sense gun laws. He doesn’t care. So much for the “will of the voters.’

I don’t know about you but, I’M FED UP!!
I’m fed up with the lies, the arrogance, the bullying and the racism. I’m fed up with the continued chants of freedom and parents’ rights while he takes away the very things that make us special, unique, independent and FREE! That’s when I remind myself to breathe. That’s when I remind myself to go for a walk. I step outside and stand under the beautiful canopy of trees that graces my front yard. I feel my feet in the grass and the breeze on my face. I look up through the leaves and thank God, Source, whatever you want to call it that, I am alive, I am healthy, and I am safe. My children and my parents, our friends, are also alive, healthy and safe.

It is frustrating and heart-wrenching to watch friends relocate in order to live their lives freely. It’s a daily challenge to stay in a place of love and spiritual abundance while watching the nation change around us and the struggle can leave me feeling like multiple personalities are vying for space.

The Universe is made from Love, and this is all part of the great transformation as we continue to evolve as humans…. Moments later, WHAT IN THE HELL ARE THEY DOING NOW???

Idaho is refusing to provide medical treatment options for victims of sexual assault. Missouri is refusing to fund public libraries, and Texas, Ohio and Florida have some of the strictest anti-abortion laws, leaving women no choice but to leave the state or carry unwanted pregnancies term. Worse, women with complications, not able to get the care they need, are sent away with Tylenol and prayers. How much more will we endure before we understand we’re all in this together?

It is easy to be angry, especially when that’s all we see on the news. Over and over, angry men tell us who is to blame and how they’re the ones to save us all by outlawing, restricting and legislating the enemy. Once upon a time, our nation was a Melting Pot and there was pride in our diversity. Now, if you’re different, or you disagree, you’re the enemy. Drag Queens, reading to children about loving and accepting themselves are deemed a bigger threat than the armed neo-Nazis blocking the road and screaming obscenities to those the same kids.

In my heart, I truly do believe that LOVE is the most powerful energy we have. I lean into the faith that, maybe not in my lifetime but, one day, we will figure out that love is stronger than hate, and that protecting our children from guns is more important than protecting them from drag queens.

So how do we do it? How do we stay in alignment, knowing we are that we are made of, and for, something more? How do we remember that everyone, from Drag Queens to Nazis comes from the same source of Divine Light? How do we keep love in our hearts for people who would wish us and others the ultimate harm?

Each time I ask this question, I’m reminded that we all came here to learn, to live and to evolve. To do that, there must be both positive and negative experiences. Without the challenges, we’d never appreciate the good things, we’d never need to grow, and life would be so boring.

We are all from the same source of divine light and love and, we ARE all connected. Many people are living in anger, and I refuse to join them. They’re so afraid of things that are different from themselves, and I feel sadness for the wonderful things they’re missing out on. There will always be conflict, and there will always be assholes, but it’s our choice whether we engage with love or more hate. We can choose to go forward with compassion. We can choose to set an example of love. Embracing the energy of joy and gratitude won’t change the world in an instant but it can expand to encompass those around us, helping to shift their vibration as well.

Photo credit: More Love Less Hate Facebook Group

There will be more fracturing before we can all come together and I’m not suggesting some kind of Pollyanna, kumbaya love-in as our rights are being trampled. Far from it, I choose to stand with those who are being marginalized and othered. I will stand up, march, hold signs, wave flags, give money and whatever else I am able to do. But I also choose not to engage in hate or rage. My personal Facebook page may sometimes say differently while I do my utmost to stay in that place of love and compassion, even for those who wish me harm but, I will not sit quietly. Neither will I allow others to fill me with poison.

I’m always reminded of the child on a starfish-covered beach, picking each one up and putting it back in the ocean. A nearby adult asks why they would do this saying, “You can’t possibly make a difference.” The child replies, with a starfish in their hand, “I’m making a difference for this one.” It is not easy but, one person can indeed affect those around them and on it can go, whether that is with love or hate is up to us.

“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has. ~Margaret Mead

#loveislove #weareallother #bansoffourbodies #LGBTQIApride

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